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Military blast barrier exporter

Views: 60     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-09-01      Origin: Site


Soldiers from the Fifth Sryk Brigade Combat Team, the Second Infantry Division completed the newly installed barrier at the Afghan National Police checkpoint in Robat, Afghanistan. In a place where an attack can occur at any time, it is crucial to quickly establish a perimeter of protection. Known as the HESCO barrier or Military Blast Barrier, it consists of a collapsible wire mesh frame lined with heavy canvas or other materials.

As a Military Blast Barrier exporter, Juren's Military Blast Barrier is made of galvanized welded mesh, which, together with other accessories, can be filled with sand, earth, cement, stone, and can be used to connect individual batteries or batteries.


Application of Military Blast Barrier :

Peripheral security and defense wall

Equipment revetment

Personnel and material bunkers

Observation point

Defensive shooting position

Guard post

Explosives and contraband search areas

Highway checkpoint

Border checkpoint

Protect the existing structure

Flood control retaining wall

Coastal erosion

A protection project in the coastal area.

Military Blast Barrier


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