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Field fence

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-08-02      Origin: Site



we offer the agriculture industry’s leading fencing products. It’s not only because of our superior China-made steel. It’s also because of the construction of the fence itself. HEGNSHI field fence is considered the most reliable confinement option for cattle, hogs and other large animals. Our strong, yet flexible fencing holds up to the pressure of corralling large herds. Another important feature is the special crimp that expands and contracts under extreme weather changes. The result is a reliable enclosure in even the most severe conditions.

Field fencing is not a one-size-fits-all product. That’s why HENGSHI offers over 45 different types of field fence. Here are some of the basic factors that differentiate our field fence options.


Knotted fencing is the most reliable confinement for animals. While welded fences can be suitable for gardens and small animals,They simply aren’t tough enough for large animal corrals and containment. For that, you need a woven, or knotted, fence.Therefore, all of HENGSHI’s large animal fencing is made using heavy-gauge wire and knots for strength and durability.

* Monarch Knot – This knot style functions like a hinge. It gives a little under pressure, then springs back into shape. Our most popular fence style by far, Monarch Knot fence is easy to install because the hinge gives the mesh flexibility. The fence always retains its full height for continuing protection and good looks. Vertical wires are individually cut and wrapped for maximum strength and flexibility.

* Square Deal Knot – One-piece vertical stay wires are tied to line wires and crimped at the joint to prevent slippage, creating a firm hold. The knot hugs both vertical and horizontal wires tightly for a rigid but flexible mesh. As a result, this fence won’t sag or buckle and remains strong even under pressure from animals. And, the flexible design makes it especially effective on hilly terrain.

* Cross Lock Knot – The Cross Lock Knot firmly affixes the fence wires together, providing superior resistance to movement from animal penetration or from severe snowstorms.


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No.21 Weier Road High and New Tech Development Zone Anping County, Hebei  Province.
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 E-mail: lisaweb@giantfence.com
 M.P.: Lisa Wang +86 19933186141
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