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2x1x1 Welded Mesh Basket Decorative Gardens Box Gabions Stone Cage Retaining Wall Blocks

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-29      Origin: Site



The Gabion Bench is actually inspired by the Gabion method born in Egypt, used as soil retention on the river Nile. The intent with the Gabion Bench is to use the sculptural quality and interesting organic texture of the form to create a new functional design. Adding this piece to your garden will surely give you a modern twist on a ancient design.

Each gabion is constructed of rugged high tensile wire which is coated with a thick corrosion-resistant layer of zinc. The wire is also available with a tough, durable PVC coating. The use of high quality materials results in a longer, more reliable gabion life. Welded Wire Gabions are supplied from stock in a complete range of sizes. Non-typical sizes to fit your unique site conditions are also available upon request.The welded mesh gabions is made from electric welded wire mesh panels connected by spirals/helicals assembled with spacers/stiffeners.

the welded gabion basket details :

A)mesh panel :high quality galvanized panel ,6 pcs /unit

B)sprial wires :good quality for same wire diameter as panel ,12 spiral wires /unit

C)stifferens :2-4 stifferens per gabion  to make sure the gabion is more strong

Connecting rod : normal 3mm diameter ,for conneting the 2 gabions between 2 sprail wires

How to install welded gabion box?

1. Ends, diaphragms, front and back panels are placed upright on the bottom section of wire mesh.

2. Secure panels by screwing spiral binders through the mesh openings in adjacent panels.

3. Stiffeners shall be placed across the corners, at 300mm from the corner. Providing a diagonal bracing, and crimped over the line and cross wires on the front and side faces. None are needed in interior cells.

4. Gabion box filled with graded stone by hand or with a shovel.

5. After filling, close the lid and secure with spiral binders at the diaphragms, ends, front and back.

6. When stacking tiers of the welded gabion box, the lid of the lower tier may serve as the base of the up

Gabion Box Wall

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